LuxuryProperties.IE have listed many F.A.Q. questions about our service, the property market and general information regarding our site. If there is something you would like to know or feel would be of benefit to have in the list below, help us help you - please don't hesitate to email us:
We at LuxuryProperties.IE authorise privileges to members of this website who have officially registered their Irish-based Estate Agency with us. While we monitor as many uploads as possible we cannot take responsibility for our registered members' uploads. We ONLY accept genuine property for sale valued at the average Irish price and below. We value our visitor satisfaction and thus any inappropriate, faulty or misleading images, data, advertising or information uploaded to LuxuryProperties.IE will be removed from LuxuryProperties.IE and subsequent action may be taken. LuxuryProperties.IE reserve the right at any time to make alterations to this website and/or T&C's associated with this production. Firstly - you must be an offically registered Estate Agent based in 1 of the 32 counties in Ireland. Remember, registration, and promotion of ALL your average priced properties and below is absolutely FREE. Register today! There are no hidden costs or conditions. Within a few simple registration steps you will be a member of LuxuryProperties.IE. and can then have ALL your "cheap" properties uploaded to LuxuryProperties.IE, viewed by 1000s' of new potential customers every day and all completely FREE OF CHARGE! We promote our site endlessly and will do our utmost to help you sell your cheap properties! Simply fill out the below form and we will get back to shortly with a quote and options. Thank you Simply fill out the below form and we will get back to shortly with a quote and options. Thank you We have established a modern fact that selling property in the Irish market is a competetive game. In actuality we at LuxuryProperties.IE offer the consumer the "freedom" to browse the genre-specifically defined average priced property and below in Ireland. We feel if we don't have a standard charge for advertising and promoting ALL your averaged priced and below property then you will in turn keep a stern leash on maintaining your content, updating and removing when and where necessary. We only permit Irish-based Estate Agents to register as members of LuxuryProperties.IE. There are absolutely no hidden costs or conditions. You can upload as much cheap property as you wish. We do however leave it to you to determine what is considered the current "average" price for the given Irish Market. We will do our utmost to provide our visitors with justly priced property and in turn you will reap the benefits of advertising for FREE on LuxuryProperties.IE. At the present time we only provide property advertising and promotion for officially registered members who have an Irish-based Estate Agency. We don't offer universal membership as we feel we offer our visitors the best quality & service by providing them with the latest up-to-date average priced properties from around the Countries Estate Agents. If you are an Irish-based Estate Agency it is completely FREE to register, become a member and upload ALL your average priced property and below for us to promote and advertise. Please CLICK HERE for registration. If you have forgotten your login password please CLICK HERE for retrieval. All types of property can be advertised for free as long as they meet 1 requirement. We offer advertising for the most luxurious property for sale in the Irish market. We mean by this average priced property and above! We entrust our registered Estate Agent members to deem what is above the average price and therefore LuxuryProperties.IE works in tandom with them. You can upload as many properties as you wish as long as they remain within the boundaries of the criteria. If you have average pricing and below property please register with www.CheapProperties.IE and upload them their.
Yes indeed you can - Right Click on the below logo and click "Save Picture As..." or "Save Image As..." Then place the following code into your website source: <a href="http://www.LuxuryProperties.IE"> <img src="logolp.jpg" title="LuxuryProperties.IE"> </a> ![]() The prime purpose of LuxuryProperties.IE is to give our visitors the best genre-specific property website on Irish Internet. First & foremost we supply property placement for the "average" priced and above property in the Irish sector. We do our very best to keep our up-to-date website as efficent and easy to use as possible. We do our utmost to promote LuxuryProperties.IE and in doing so providing knockon advertising for our Advertisers and Estate Agents. We're offering the Irish public a website where they have direct access to "luxury" properties in Ireland today. Our main ambition is provide advertising of luxurious properties to the Irish public. LuxuryProperties.IE is 100% owned by Leo Sherlock CEO of media company A1 STATUS". |